Yoga for Runners & Triathletes

Cambridge YMCA, Central Square:  Fridays 6pm  ~ open to the public & Y-members $15 drop in
WORKSHOP Sun April 6 at O2 Yoga Cambridge, 1001 Mass Ave $30

Devon is an experienced Marathoner and strongly believes that yoga is the best way to counter tight hamstrings and quads on a daily basis.  Whether you are coming back from an injury or looking to maximize your best time and avoid injury, Devon’s class is attuned to the nuances of the athlete’s body.

Poses that incorporate stretches for common chronic injuries like plantar fasciitis, IT band syndrome- in addition to tight hips and anything else are a dynamic part of every Yoga for Runners class.

Devon has a special Yoga for Runners class which you can use on your “recovery-day” or prior to your weekly long run.  The class is designed specifically for runners and cyclists although new and old yogis and athletes are encouraged to attend.

Devon also teaches specific sports based workshops. Ask her! Private classes can incorporate and dedicated attention to overused muscles and in general yoga helps align and reset proper muscle and joint alignment.

Check out the schedule here.

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